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  • Karen

From Rats to Rabbits!

Geopathic Stress (GS) can be defined as a disruption to (or distortion of) the Earth's natural energy field causing harmful radiation to emanate from the Earth's surface. There are many causes - some natural e.g. underground streams and some man-made e.g. railway cuttings.

Anyone living or working on GS may experience mild symptoms e.g. poor sleep, irritability, nagging illnesses such as colds and flu, lethargy, tiredness, arguments and misfortune. Research has linked cancers of all types to stronger GS as well as wasting diseases, mental disorders, bowel disorders etc.

In his book, "Are you sleeping in a safe place" Rolf Gordon discusses research into GS as well as the opinions of some medical doctors. "Arnold Mannlicher M.D. thinks that cancer is a disease of location. He wrote in a Swiss medical journal that in 30 years of practice, he has not yet found a case of cancer where there was not a GS influence."

In the workplace, depending on the location of the lines, GS can: affect the physical and mental health of employees (leading to increased sick payments or staff turnover), affect how customers feel when visiting the business premises and in a retail or hospitality setting might discourage customers completely as well as affecting employee relations - for example a line of GS between two key employees might increase competition or conflict.

Whilst GS is not good for us, some plants love it, for example mushrooms, mistletoe, ivy, foxgloves and nettles. Also, ants, bees, wasps, parasites, bacteria and compost heaps will thrive where there is Geopathic Stress. Similarly, owls, slugs, snails and cats are all attracted to GS. So, if you notice any of the above around your garden or business premises it is likely you have GS.

Other than the above exceptions most animals will instinctively avoid GS, especially birds.

This is where my next Client comes in. The land beside her home had issues with stagnant water and this in turn was attracting undesirable visitors!

"I booked a consultation with Karen after experiencing many stressful Issues and problems with my cottage and garden that had not been visible during viewing and purchasing. With being on my own, I found it difficult to cope with all the huge burdens that were being heaped upon me within a very short space of time. Just one ugly disaster after another and my stress levels were through the roof and my finances in a state of severe despair, as were my emotions!

What was meant to be my dream home very quickly turned into a nightmare. I became addicted to online shopping to comfort myself and quickly racked up a lot of debt, which was spiralling out of control. After Karen’s consultation I felt very tired and dizzy that day, but the days and following weeks I noticed I was feeling calmer and my head was in less of a spin. I found a solution to my money problems and have noticed a huge increase in my cash flow and am finally getting everything back under control again.

Lastly, instead of having rats running across my driveway, this year my driveway has seen lots of rabbits running across instead, which is much nicer than rats! In 6 years of living here I have never seen any rabbits in my driveway, so I’m assuming this is a direct result of the clearing and cleansing!"

Although the issues with the water on the land has still not been fully resolved, the earth's energy is now nourishing and attracting a more appealing visitor. What a lovely transformation - the animals didn't know my client had had Feng Shui, they felt the difference and the rats didn't like it but the rabbits did. I know which I'd choose!

Karen x

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