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  • Karen

New home, new life - what could go wrong?

A new house can be exciting and challenging, and we have lots of expectations that when we move in life will be perfect and worth the upheaval. Unfortunately this isn't always the case.

We can experience issues in our lives that had never been a problem before, perhaps because our new home is a different shape to our old one and the home is a metaphor for our life. If areas of our life are now represented by a missing space on the floor plan - then this will have an impact on that part of our life.

The home may have Geopathic Stress which is linked to ill health, so we may experience symptoms we've never felt before, especially if the move was stressful which in itself can weaken our immune system.

Finally, energy can accumulate in a home like dust but, energetic dust is imprinted with the experiences of the previous occupants. Older homes will likely have had more people live there over time and so have a stronger impact on subsequent owners. It is not uncommon for happy couples to move into a new home and experience relationship issues - only to discover that the previous occupants had got divorced or suffered relationship issues.

Anyway, I am incredibly grateful to my client Sara for her kind words sharing her new home experiences in this my latest terstimonial:

My family and I moved to a new house one year ago. The house had a lot of potential to become a beautiful and warm home but the family that was leaving had lots of communication issues and the couple were getting divorced. They also had some health problems.

When we moved in, we felt that it was a house, but not a home. It's hard to describe but the house had a cold and unwelcoming vibe. The first few days after moving in I had a throbbing headache I could not get rid off and we couldn't sleep.

I contacted Karen to visit and help us a few weeks later. She was so professional and approachable. She identified lots of issues with the house like geopathic stress and gave us a ton of advice to make little changes that made a difference. Everything she said made a lot of sense and the tips she gave us were quite straightforward to implement and not expensive.

After she left, there was a change in the energy around the house. Even my husband - who doesn't believe in 'that Feng Shui stuff' - felt calmer and slept like a log.

One year on, we are a happy family in a happy home. We had and still have so many friends commenting on how 'homely and nice' the house feels.

I can not recommend Karen enough. She has been so thorough and took so much time helping us. We felt like she really cared for us and genuinely wanted to help. She's a star.

I genuinely feel blessed to work with such lovely clients!

Karen x

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