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  • Karen

Feng Shui Evening

So, you have heard of Feng Shui – although you’re not sure how to pronounce it.  And you think it is something to do with painting walls and moving furniture - but again you’re not sure.  Well, if you don’t know, then you can’t be sure how using Feng Shui will benefit your life.


Feng shui is an ancient Chinese art of arranging buildings, objects, and space in an environment to enhance quality of life. Feng shui means “the way of wind and water.” 


Enhanced quality of life is not always easy to measure.  Everyone has different priorities for example: to spice up their love life, to enjoy their children, to possess inner peace, to improve their health, to increase their wealth or to simply sleep better.  Using Feng Shui it is possible to experience improvements with these issues.


If you would like to know more and live in Aberdeenshire then come to Crystal Connections in Kemnay on 24 May at 7:30. Here is the link if you wish to book a ticket.  I will be giving a presentation explaining various elements of Feng Shui in more detail, for example Geopathic Stress and Space Clearing.


Please refer to my website for further information and to read what my clients have said about the benefits they have gained through Feng Shui.  I look forward to meeting you on the 24th!


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